Waredrobe Architect Revised pt.3

By Tiffany - Saturday, July 12, 2014

In this post, I'm going to revisit Coletterie's Wardrobe Architect Week 5 (Your Color Story) and Week 6 (Organizing Your Palette).

Last time I did Week 5, I had an easy time picking colours that I liked. I guess my real problem was limiting the amount of colours! These were my original colours:

I picked so many colours! I still really like them all. But, I decided to remember my core style (preppy) and pick colours that were more suited to that. So, these are the new colours that I picked:

I think that these are the colours I like most and feel best wearing, so I'm going to focus on them.

And, it's already organized for the Week 6 exercise, organizing your palette.

Dove grey, cream, camel, taupe, and black

Nearly Neutrals
Olive and navy

Statement Colours
Mint, turquoise, blush, purple, scarlet, and gold

Much simpler than before. Last time I did this exercise, I had so many colours in the different categories. It will be much easier for me to shop for fabrics and build a wardrobe with this palette.

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  1. Ha ha! I hear that! I had about a billion colors because I LOVE COLOR! I'm trying to limit a little bit now, too. Wardrobe architect is HARD, but I love it. I think it's really helpful. Creativity within limits, you know? Did you see Into Mind's latest post? She featured someone who has a good capsule wardrobe system. I haven't quite gotten the capsule wardrobe thing down, but that post was inspiring to me. Maybe you'll like it, too.
